Picture Days, News (Howick Minor Soccer)

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Jun 06, 2019 | sbauman | 2222 views
Picture Days
Team photo's are scheduled for next week!

Kids should be in full uniform and long hair should be pulled back. 
There is no cost, the photos were included in the registration fees. 
Teams will be called over to the photographer.

Please allow coaches and parent/photo helpers to be the only ones that go with the team for their photos.

U6 - Thursday, June 13th (beginning at 6:00 p.m.)
U8 - Thursday, June 13th (will follow the U6 team)
Kiddie Kickers - Thursday, June 13th.(Following U6 and U8)  
U10 - Thursday, June 13th after Kiddie Kickers at the arena field

U14 - Monday, June 10th at the school beginning at 6:30.
U16 - Monday, June 10th at the school following U14
Rain date for U14 & U16 will be Thursday, June 13th.  Unless it is raining please be prepared for team photos to proceed.  Rain date for remaining teams is June 27th.  Hoping these dates are not needed.  

Please ask if you have any questions.