's picture time!, News (Howick Minor Soccer)

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May 29, 2022 | Tonia Fitch | 2003 views's picture time!
Soccer Pictures

Hello Families, Soccer pictures are happening this year! We are dividing the soccer pictures into two nights. Please see below for the rough schedule of the night. For the soccer pictures, please have players dressed in full uniform: jersey, black bottoms, cleats (Kiddie Kickers exempt), soccer socks. 

Wednesday June 15

We will begin with U10 at 6pm, followed by U12. There will be individual and group photos taken. 

Thursday June 16

We will begin with Kiddie Kickers at approximately 5:45, followed by U6 at approximately 6:15 and U8 around 6:45. There will be individual and group photos taken. 
