Welcome to the 2023 Season!, News (Howick Minor Soccer)

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Apr 01, 2023 | Tonia Fitch | 1049 views
Welcome to the 2023 Season!
Welcome to Howick Hustle Minor Soccer!

We will be having an indoor practice on May 3 at the Belmore Arena.
Please note the times for each division. 

U6 and U12 5:30 - 6:20
U8 6:30 - 7:20
U10 7:30 - 8:20 

Welcome to Howick Hustle Minor Soccer!

We will be having an indoor practice on May 3 at the Belmore Arena.
Please note the times for each division. 

U6 and U12 5:30 - 6:20
U8 6:30 - 7:20
U10 7:30 - 8:20 

Players on U6 and U12 are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to practice time so they can be ready for practice at 5:30. 

What to bring to indoor practice?
 - water bottle
- shin pads
- clean indoor running shoes
- soccer ball (U6 and U8 players will receive a ball that night). U10 and U12 players need a size 4 ball. 

Have soccer equipment that your child(ren) have outgrown laying around the house? 
Howick Hustle is bringing back the trade table! The trade table is a place to leave behind outgrown, but still in good condition, soccer equipment for other families to grab and to possibly grab a size that works for your child. We will have the trade table out at the first practice on May 3. Kiddie Kicker families are welcome to come that night for the trade table and pick up their jerseys as well. 

This year we are going to try something different and have the jersey pick up the same night as indoor practice but it will look different than last year. Your jersey will be in one of the change rooms - we will provide this information to you that night.

In order to try and have everything organized and flow smoothly, we are attempting something new. I plan to have all jerseys, shorts, soccer socks and soccer balls set out for each member of the team. In order to do this though, I need some help from our families. 

Players in Kiddie Kicker, U6, and U8, please respond to this email with the following information: 

Child's Name: 
Team (KK, U6, U8):
Shirt Size:Kiddie Kicker: (Youth Extra Small, Youth Small, Youth Medium)
U6 and U8: Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large 
Short Size (Youth Extra Small, Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large):

Players in Kiddie Kicker, U6 and U8 receive the Tim Hortons jerseys, shorts, soccer socks, and soccer ball. None of this needs to be returned at the end of the season. 

Players in U10 and U12, I will just need the following information: 
Child's Name: 
Team (U10, U12):
Shirt Size (Youth Medium, Youth Large, Youth Extra Large, Adult Small, Adult Medium, Adult Large) 

U10 and U12 players, your jerseys need to be returned at the end of the season. 

Please note I will do my best to ensure your child receives the correct size; however, jersey sizes are limited and a player may receive the next size up. Thank you for your understanding.

Coaches, I will have your coach bag ready for that night as well. If you would like it before that night, please let me know and we can arrange something.

If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the executive members. 

Stay tuned for more information as the season gets closer. The website is also a great spot to check out for information. 

Thanks, Howick Hustle Minor Soccer Executive 