Welcome Newsletter, News (Howick Minor Soccer)

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Apr 17, 2023 | Tonia Fitch | 1409 views
Welcome Newsletter
2023 Newsletter

Welcome to Howick Hustle Minor Soccer Association 2023 Season!  Thank you for registering and we are looking forward to a season of fun, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.

Welcome to Howick Hustle Minor Soccer Association 2023 Season!  Thank you for registering and we are looking forward to a season of fun, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.

Canada Quality Soccer Provider Certification

Canada Soccer has mandated that all soccer clubs in Canada become Quality Soccer Providers.  It is expected that all soccer clubs provide a developmentally appropriate, safe, enjoyable, accessible, inclusive and welcoming playing environment for their participants, which differentiates it from non-member soccer and unorganized play. 

Howick Hustle Minor Soccer Association is working hard to meet all designations and mandates.  You will see many changes to our website throughout the season including new policies.  All volunteers are required to obtain a vulnerable sector scan police check.  This means every coach, assistant coach, parent rep, and executive member has been screened before they step on the soccer field to interact with children.  All coaches have taken Respect for Sports Leader and a grassroots soccer course.

Part of this certification was incorporating the club.  We are now known as Howick Hustle Minor Soccer Association and we answer to a Board of Directors which is essentially the members of our Executive.

Crystal Weishar–Chair & President 

Tonia Fitch–Technical Director & Registrar

Tori Leyen–Secretary

Kaitlyn Kamrath–Treasurer

Julie Gardiner–Fundraising Representative


Registration Policies – We do not take team requests unless a volunteer (Coach, Assistant Coach. Parent Rep) requires it to fulfill their volunteer duties.  If you're not happy with the team your player has been placed on, it is suggested you step up and volunteer next year!  No volunteers = No club.  Players are divided into teams by the executive and coaches based on age, gender and ability.

Soccer Gear Requirements – Shin guards are required for all ages. Soccer cleats are mandatory for U6 & up. Players are expected to always bring their own water bottle and their own soccer ball to practices (identified with name). Ball Sizes: KK, U6 and U8 – size 3 ball (provided by Timbits), U10 and U12 – size 4 ball.

Timbits Soccer will be donating a jersey, ball and socks to all KK, U6 & U8 players!  Thank you Tim Hortons!

U10 & U12 players will receive a Howick Jersey that is to be returned at the end of the season.  We would prefer the uniform be black shorts and socks.

A note about jewelry: All jewelry must be removed prior to playing–taping is not allowed.

2023 Indoor Practice & Trade It Night – An indoor practice has been scheduled at Belmore Arena on Wednesday May 3.  You will receive your uniform at this practice but if you cannot make it, please email the club [email protected] to make other arrangements. 

U6 & U12–arrive at 5:20 to pick up your uniform

U6 & U12 Practice:  5:30-6:20

U8–arrive at 6:20 to pick up your uniform

U8–Practice: 6:30-7:20

U10–arrive at 7:20 to pick up your uniform

U10–Practice: 7:30-8:20

Kiddie Kickers can come anytime between 5:20-8:20 to pick up their uniforms or they can wait for their first Game Night Thursday May 18 @ 6pm at Howick Public School.  KK will run Thursday, May 18-July 20—with a rain day scheduled July 27 if needed.

Trade it Night

We will have a table set out for families to bring their gently used soccer equipment and trade it for something new to them. If you want to drop off soccer equipment for the table prior to May 3, it can be dropped off at 89810 Fordwich Line and left on the side porch.


Soccer Division and Game Nights


Game Length

Game Night

Start Date

Tournament Dates


60 Minutes


May 18


50 Minutes



Aug 11, 12, 13


50 Minutes



Aug 11, 12, 13


50 Minutes



Aug 11, 12, 13


60 Minutes



Aug 11, 12, 13

We are trying to arrange ALL PRACTICES on Thursday nights.  This will begin  May 11.

Team U6 6-7pm Pitch at treeline of school

Team U8 Black 7-8pm Pitch at treeline of school

Team U8 Grey 6-7pm #2 Pitch at arena

Team U10 #1 7-8pm #1 Pitch at arena

Team U10 #2 7-8pm #2 Pitch at arena

Team U12 6-7pm #1 Pitch at arena

In all fairness to the team and coaches, please plan your vacation time around the soccer tournament weekend of August 11, 12 & 13..  Your team will be scheduled to play throughout the weekend.  

When do games start? - North Perth Soccer League tentatively has plans of starting games the week of May 17.  So, the first game for U10 would be the holiday Monday.  This may be bumped forward a week depending on Listowel’s field availability. Please check the soccer website for further updates and we will send out an email once games have been finalized. 

Coaches, Assistant Coaches & Parent Reps - We are fortunate that each team has a coach, assistant coach and parent rep.  We thank our volunteers who have stepped up and took extra training to allow Howick Hustle to run!

Referees - This year we are fortunate to welcome 3 new referees!  Gillian will be returning as Head Ref.  Please remember that all our refs are under the age of 18. With our 3 new refs 14 or younger.  We expect RESPECT and ENCOURAGEMENT!  We have zero tolerance for any inappropriate behaviour from players, coaches, or spectators.

Weather & Game Cancellations - We play in all weather but lightning!  Assume your game or practice is on unless you hear from your coach or an executive member.  North Perth Soccer League has the following rules:

  1.  When the sound of thunder and/or first lightning is seen, the game is delayed 15 minutes. .

  2. Coaches, officials, and parents are expected to shelter in their vehicles.

  3.  If multiple thunder and lightning continues the game will be canceled by the HOST team.

This means if it’s thundering in Howick, your game in Elma is not canceled.  Weather changes drastically between our league’s pitch locations and coaches/executives from the HOST game will make canceling decisions at their discretion. WE ALWAYS PLAY IN RAIN!!!!!

Behaviour of our Soccer Community - At a North Perth Soccer League meeting it was brought to the attention of the executive that spectators were drinking in the parking lots during the soccer tournament last year with open alcohol on display.  It was not a Howick game, however, let’s make it clear that alcohol is not allowed at any Howick Hustle Minor Soccer events. Smoking is not allowed on the grounds of Howick Public School and smoking is banned from the arena soccer fields.  NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED anywhere near the soccer fields.  This will be enforced by parent reps and executive members.  Keep your pets at home!

Arena Soccer Fields - We are working with the Township of Howick to improve the soccer fields behind the arena.  Early this season, we will be adding a second temporary U10/12 pitch to practice on.  We are planning to have the field issues fixed and eventually have two U10/12 pitches to accommodate our growing numbers of players for the start of the 2024 season.

Fundraising 2023

We wanted every kid in Howick to be able to play soccer, so we kept registration costs as low as possible. We also thank the Howick Optimist Club for their donation of $25 per player which was applied at registration.

We did not require a fundraising cheque deposit and we are not setting minimum standards to be met.  We are however strongly encouraging every family to try their best and put a good effort in this year!

We will be fundraising Little Caesar’s Pizza & Green’s Meat Market.  Fundraising packages will be distributed in the first weeks of practice.

Food Truck Night in Howick - SUNDAY JUNE 4   4-8pm

We are hosting our 2nd Annual Food Truck Night in Howick fundraiser Sunday, June 4, 2023 4-8pm at the Howick Community Centre!  Last years’ event was very successful and we plan for an even better event this year!  We have 10 food trucks confirmed! Clown, face painters, soccer obstacle course, bake sale, and raffle are all planned again.  We are looking for families or local businesses to help sponsor the entertainment portion of this fundraiser.  If you would like to sponsor Petunia the Clown, professional face painters, or live music please contact the club.  We will be advertising sponsors for these events on the glass in the arena & on the event page on Facebook. Show the community you're a proud sponsor of Howick Hustle Minor Soccer!!!

Once again we will send out a google doc where you can sign up to volunteer at this event.  It is expected that every family volunteer/donate in some way.

Last year we received over 40 entries for our raffle table.  Please email us what you are donating and we will schedule pickup/delivery!

Also, we are starting the list for donated baked goods for our Bake Sale.  Please email us what you plan to donate.

The Facebook Event Page…….2nd Annual Food Truck Night in Howick 2023 is now up and running and will be updated throughout the weeks leading up to June 4!  Please click interested/going so the numbers rise and rise!  Tell all your family and friends!  This will be THE event of the season!

Questions? Contact an Executive member or e-mail [email protected]
