WELCOME!!, News, U14 #1, 2013 (Howick Minor Soccer)

This Team is part of the 2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 30, 2013 | LMyer | 869 views
So - we are your coaches for this season - Danielle and myself, Laurie Myer.  Danielle is your "main" coach - she the one with the know-how on drills, shooting, passing, heading, dribbling - while I am her assistant  - I will keep control of the bench and do the paperwork and run the odd practice if she can't.  Together we hope to have a great year with you guys and look forward to having fun while learning.

Any questions, just call - 519.335.3118 and speak to Danielle or me, Laurie.

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